Michigan’s Governor Whitmer Faces Key Test on Clean Energy

Gretchen Whitmer is a rising star in Democratic politics, with some speculation about what her future plans might be after her second term as Michigan Governor.
She has staked a considerable amount of political capital on a clean energy plan designed to jumpstart Michigan’s economy, and climate response.
A key part of that plan will be a siting reform bill that places primary authority for siting solar, wind and battery projects with the states Public Service Commission.
Precdictably, a fossil fuel organized, right wing influence campaign has mobilized against the measure.
Although a number of Republicans know that the current system is unworkable and broken, clearly a decision has been made that the popular Governor must not be afforded a win.
Some Democrats in the legislature are in closely divided districts and being targeted heavily in social media campaigns.
Passage of this bill will be a key test of Her Honor’s ability to knock heads and crack whips in her Party.

Below, the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum’s Ed Rivet describes the need for this legislation.

Below, multi generation farmer Clara Ostrander describes her family’s experience with the intimidation and harassment tactics of the anti clean energy brigade.

The opposition has an astro-turf Facebook group, “Michigan Citizens United”, that seeks to drum up fake outrage against clean energy. Key talking point is “local control” – somehow missing the point that the most essential element of local control is a farmer’s control of his/her own property rights.
Also, predictable climate denial talking points.

When I called them out the other day, I was immediately blocked.

One thought on “Michigan’s Governor Whitmer Faces Key Test on Clean Energy”

  1. I have no political background, so this is what the governor should do. Add to this bill the right of local governments/cities/whatever to have all the same powers that republicans want to halt renewables, but only have the bill apply it to fossil fuel generation, pipelines, and nuclear. Then give that up in a compromise.

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