“Planet of the Humans” is Garbage: A Review From Downunder

Funny, and he talks Australian, which is always a plus.

M. Moore’s movie doing great with the right wing online, but in the real world, it’s sunk his reputation, and is simply irrelevant to the ongoing technological disruption.

9 thoughts on ““Planet of the Humans” is Garbage: A Review From Downunder”

    1. Hey, I need baseload power! I was going to open an aluminium smelter overnight, but I guess those plans are crushed now….

      1. I have to admit, I did too. I watched it all, though. It’s basically a character assassination of some geezer who claims not to be a Koch shill, but who clearly is.

        Sorry I didn’t watch it before posting; it detracts from your otherwise on-target post. Please do delete my comments!

  1. ‘..Wind in Queensland is negatively correlated with every other state’
    That is not true.
    ‘Figure 2 below looks at wind and shows a strong correlation of generation between adjoining Renewable Energy Zones, with production generally correlated with factors above 0.5, particularly through NSW. The report card notes that correlation is reasonable between Victoria and Tasmania, and Victoria and NSW, although NSW and Tasmania have a relatively weak correlation. “Of critical importance, there are no ‘green’ zones: areas we would expect to see anti-correlation to highlight wind increasing somewhere whilst decreasing in other areas….The authors applied the same methodology to 11 years of Bureau of Meteorology weather data matched to the nearest weather station for the REZs. The results “highlight the same pattern of adjacent REZ’s having strong correlation with nearby / adjacent zones (as would be expected and especially in South Australia), but that again, there is very little ‘green’ highlighting anti-correlation.”
    ‘We have seen instances in the past where aggregate wind output has fallen to very low levels across the NEM – despite a growing fleet of wind farms being developed. The long-range historical data we have access to that covers the NEM does not give confidence that simply building out a more diversified fleet of wind farms will change that underlying characteristic ‘
    It’s pretty obvious that you’d need a much bigger continent than Australia for anti-correlation between areas to be of more than minimal value for solar power. Nor is there much evidence that wind is negatively correlated with solar. Solar is positively correlated with demand, but only weakly, in places where peak demand is for summer air conditioning, and even there peak demand is well after peak solar, and often after sunset. If the requirement is to match peak energy use, rather than peak electricity demand, solar fares even worse – most places use more energy for winter heating than for summer cooling, they just use fossil fuels directly for it.

    1. Is the Australian Energy Council in a parallel universe on network regulation?

      ” It is also apparent that solar in all states is negatively correlated with wind in all states. This is because wind generation is biased to night-time generation. Another key result from the 30-minute analysis is that Mt Emerald in far north QLD is negatively correlated with wind in every other state and has essentially zero correlation with Coopers Gap wind farm in southern QLD. ”

      => How to run the National Electricity Market on 96 per cent renew

      The main issue seems to be that North Queensland needs a new link to unlock massive wind and solar resource

      1. There’s a look at the NEM’s installed wind capacity variability here -https://bravenewclimate.com/2015/11/08/the-capacity-factor-of-wind/
        It was a couple of years ago, so nothing from FNQ, but the total peak demand for today for the five states was about 27 GW, and that was after sunset. From John Morgan’s article – ‘The highest daily capacity factor for the whole fleet was 75%, and the lowest was 2.7%. These maximum and minimum output days both occurred in winter, when solar power is at a minimum..we can find 29 days in which output was below 10% of capacity, and 127 days below 20% capacity.’ So FNQ would have to have essentially enough wind turbines to power the whole of eastern Australia, including allowance for the wind there being below average. Plus connection. Plus gigawatt/days of storage ( negative correlation of wind availability doesn’t mean ‘ 100% opposite all the time’ – there will be plenty of times when it’s anaemic in the rest of the east, but below 15 metres per second in the far north.) The ‘World’s Biggest Battery’ in South Australia has 0.0077 gigawatt-days of capacity.

  2. Michael Moore has seen the light and it wasn’t powered by wind or solar, the light he saw was powered by the lovely coal, get used to it you green fools

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