12 thoughts on “As Temperatures Rise..the Shifting Bell Curve”

  1. Not only is the curve moving sideways, it is flattening. So more events and events kill you.

      1. It is a plot of temperature anomalies, which ARE events, i.e., how a specific temperature reading taken at a specific time at a specific place differs from the norm. (I won’t use that word “average” that you so dislike).

        1. What is the event that kills? The deaths in Africa were due to people living by the coast in poor quality housing. Around 1700 there was a tsunami on the west coast of the USA by the Cascadia Subduction Zone. It is in the folklore of the first peoples and they know that living by the coast is not a good idea. We ignore that advice at our peril.

          1. WTF are you talking about with subduction zones and tsunamis?

            Pick your “killing events” from the long list of things that are a result of global warming due to the greenhouse effect of the CO2 that results from the burning of fossil fuels.

            More frequent and more powerful storms, flooding, drought, heat waves, cold waves, fires, northward spread of tropical diseases, sea level rise, warming and acidifying oceans, crop failures and famines.

  2. Because we have to adapt to ALL EVENTS and the way we do that is the same regardless of the cause. You really are an idiot. You still have to tell me how the graph shows events. And of course the average temperature was shown on the diagram, apparently you did not notice that.

    1. You truly are beyond stupid (or you’re a POE). I will waste no more time on you and suggest that other Crockers do likewise (not that any but I have paid you any attention since you proved early on that you were hopeless).

      1. Hi, Dumbo. I have just found the perfect comment that fits you and your Crockers. It was made by Professor Lindzen who was Professor of Meteorology at MIT. I suppose you will say he is beyond stupid as well, but he probably has the sense not to waste time with Crockers.

        This is a question he asked in a foreword to a book: “how do otherwise intelligent people come to believe such arrant nonsense despite its implausibility, internal contradictions, contradictory data, evident corruption and ludicrous policy implications. This is you and your groupthink Crockers.

  3. From what I see, very few people pay your site any attention and those that do only agree. You know you get a kick out of a challenge. How else can you enjoy insulting people?

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