Dark Snow Project Brings Pacific Poetics to Greenland

We’ve completed a major portion of Dark Snow Project’s work in Greenland for 2018.
In collaboration with 350.org, Dark Snow facilitated an unlikely collaboration between poet Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, of the Marshall Islands, and Greenlandic poet/activist Aka Morch Pederson.

The basic idea was, indigenous people in the Pacific are watching vulnerable low lying atolls being eaten away by sea level rise, while indigenous Greenlanders are watching their own way of life melting away with the ice sheet that is, in turn, what is causing sea levels to rise.

Ms Jetnil-Kijiner, above, collaborated with film maker Dan Lin to produce a well received video of her slam poem responding to gradual ocean rise threatening nuclear waste stored in a concrete dome following cold war weapons testing in her homeland.

With logistics support from Dark Snow, Jetnil-Kijiner and Lin worked to create a similar piece highlighting ice melt and sea level impacts, shooting on the Southern Greenland ice sheet.

Along with us on the trip was 350.org founder Bill McKibben, who gave a brief overview of the project – which will  be premiered simultaneously in several international newspapers including the Guardian, on September 12.

Below, McKibben explains.



8 thoughts on “Dark Snow Project Brings Pacific Poetics to Greenland”

  1. WOW! Anointed is very moving and well done—-let’s hope the Greenland project is as good and both receive wide distribution.

    Of course, this approach will not get through to the “Build the Wall” and “Lock Her Up” crowd—they’ll be too busy cheering for The Moron to pay any attention.

  2. Agree entirely with the above excellent comment, an intensely moving and well done poem from the heart and soul, bringing an extra dimension. If that doesn’t move you or stir some emotion – then I guess you may well be absolutely brain dead.

    Maybe it’s time we listened to those islanders and their perspective.

    “World leaders who deny climate change should go to mental hospital – Samoan PM”


  3. As a reminder there is a lot happening around those Arctic parts, not just for science researchers, but a whole bunch of commercial, political and military activity – almost becoming feverish as greed beckons with the promise of rare minerals.

    What sort of world will develop for our young? and lets hope that the greed and plunder doesn’t spread to the other pole as the ice divides and gives way to mineral wealth.

    Sydney Morning Herald update

    ‘The damn thing melted’: climate change sparks scramble for the Arctic


    1. “Greed and Plunder” spread everywhere humans have gone in the past.

      “Hope” will not change that fact.

      Cruise ships and container vessels using the NW Passage will join the oil, gas, and mineral seekers—-it will get very crowded (and contentious) before the bubble bursts.

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