7 thoughts on “Facebook Still Unclear on Climate Science”

  1. I think the recent plunge in Facebook investment should tell the enterprise something about the current direction, the problem is there is no money in just letting people share photos of their pet dogs and cats. Now political parties and concerns are flashing their propaganda on FB and the platform is trying to evolve into an influencer and money-maker. It is beginning to struggle, but I still prefer it to twitter.


  2. As things devolve, I expect more desperation in trying to extract money from where-ever it can be extracted, morals thrown out the window. Which company had as its founding mantra “Do no harm”? Hard to tell any more.

  3. The missing part in this story of using political comment on Facebook is about facts and division based on lies.

    The Russians used lies to get their president into power. They divided the Dems with falsehoods at a time that the Dems needed to move towards unity after choosing their contender.

    Burnie pro and anti-Hillary mems took off after Burnie had conceded defeat. I thought it stank at the time but my “politically correct friends” seemed to get caught up in the anti-Hillary messages with a passion. That passion to go anti-Hillary when they were well to the left of her was the end of Hillary as pres. In my opinion.

    I’m not anti-left or anti-right but I am anti-lying to get political power and then make a real lot of money from it! Then lower the chance of civilisation making it through the next 100 years.

  4. When you send an art photography where a woman shows a naked breast in a private message on FB your account will be cancelled immediately without warming. I think that’s typical for this society. Showing your kids on TV 200 times a day how people can be killed is fine, but don’t show them how to make life…

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