6 thoughts on “New Video: Climate, Sea Level, and Superstorms”

  1. No storms for 11 years and than back to normal storms is suddenly extreme weather. Per NOAA data going back to 1851 no increase in storms numbers or intensity. Ocean rise per NOAA data is 3 inches in the next 100 years. Plenty of places do have a ground subsidence problem but that is not climate nor ocean rise.
    It is warmer than in 1625 which is a good thing as otherwise half the human race would be dead from starvation, the increased CO2 makes plants grow better so 415 million people are alive from that increased plant growth. It is colder than in 1000 AD unless trees found under a glacier in Alaska that old and older grew under ice which is unlikely. All in all, warmer and more CO2 has been a benefit.

    1. “no increase in storms numbers or intensity” Munich Re says weather-related natural catastrophe’s are on the increase, and so are the inflation-adjusted costs.
      quote: “It is striking that, while there are no clear upward trends for geophysical events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, there certainly are for weather-related events.”
      North America weather-related losses (normalized to 2016 $):

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