Jimmy Kimmel: Palin v the 97 Percent

More please.

UPDATE: Per MediaMatters, the above segment featured more climate scientists than ABC’s evening and Sunday news shows did in an entire year.

Aradhna Tripati, who assures us, above, she is not fucking with us, is one of my favorite interviews ever..

Here she is from 2013:

Below, Tripati on undersea Methane:

And here she is in the company of a number of other experts, on Abrupt climate change.


9 thoughts on “Jimmy Kimmel: Palin v the 97 Percent”

  1. Reblogged this on Views àla JoAnn and commented:
    Anyone still think climate scientists are perpetrating a huge hoax? They assure us they are not. Courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel and “people who know more than us.” Well-done, must-watch. Thanks for sharing this, ClimateCrocks!

  2. Short, sweet and very forceful. Climate Scientists have been politely and scientifically stating the evidence and facts for so long now, the stronger language emphasizes the plight, and can make you feel good delivering it.

    With the recent very high temperatures in the Arctic (even the Russian meteorologist are stating it . .

    “Siberia – The Russian Hydro-meteorological Center says that since May 2015 every month has been the warmest in history. February boasted the highest abnormal temperature deviation – more than 1.5C degrees. In March, the temperature deviation in on islands in the Barents Sea was 12C.

    In most of the country, the temperature rose between 3 and 5 degrees.”

    Now dramatic evacuation in Alberta with destructive fires and high temperatures – who the hell still denies ?

    Watts and co seem a pretty angry lot and this article in cleantechnica highlights the reason why they are so bellicose

    Climate Change Deniers Are Getting Angrier, & Here’s Why


    1. OB-serving climate change in Siberia . . . .

      “Go back even a few years and locals expected to see an ice cover on this vast manmade reservoir on the 3,650 kilometre Ob River at the start of May. Yet pictures taken on Sunday show it to be completely clear.

      Compare these with images taken in several years between 2010 and 2015 when ice was plainly visible.”


  3. Not to diminish Kimmel’s wonderful endorsement of rationality, he was inspired by the Australian Broadcasting Corp’s I’m a climate scientist.

    The ABC is 100% federal government owned and funded and is not subject to broadcasting standards regulation.

    Here’s the original that inspired Kimmel


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