A Month’s Worth of Rain

I think I’ve mentioned before that if anyone knows how to script, send me some kind of app where I can just hit an “f” key and automatically type “a month’s worth of rain in 24 hours”.  “F2” will go to “A year’s worth of rain..”

This time, Italy/south east Europe.



9 thoughts on “A Month’s Worth of Rain”

  1. And the deniers are also looking for apps that will give them with one key stroke: “no single weather event can be blamed on AGW”, “average global temperature has not risen since 1998”, and “it’s Al Gore’s fault”.

    BTW, in the Washington DC area’s “one month of rain in 24 hours” last week, we had great video of some denier who drive his $90+K Land Rover into 4 feet of water and got stuck, and another who did so with his MASERATI sports car (with his dog in the passenger seat, no less).

      1. In the case of New Orleans, sinking really is a huge issue. New Orleans sank 3 feet in the 20th Century and will continue sinking at about that rate into the foreseeable future.

        Considering that much of the city is already nine to twelve feet below sea level, one can only guess at how much longer the wards away from the natural levee along the Mississippi will be maintained by the Corp of Engineers’ artificial and sinking levees.


          1. Considering that the Norfolk naval base is our Navy’s largest and may have to be abandoned, it REALLY sucks. It is going to cost a fortune to replace it, and there are many other military installations in that area, as well as VA’s only ocean resort—-Virginia Beach All of the VA Tidewater region is seriously threatened by sea level rise and the concurrent subsidence—a double whammy.

      1. Yep, those are the ones I was talking about. I hadn’t seen the interview of the Land Rover driver before—-he “knows his limitations”? LOL He’s clueless.

        Actually, you CAN drive the right kind of vehicle in some pretty deep water. We drove USMC “deuce-and-a-half” trucks into 8 feet of water at Camp Lejeune NC. Of course, the electrical systems and everything else on the engine was sealed and waterproofed, and we HAD fitted the long vertical snorkel pipes for air intake and exhaust. You drove by putting them in low-low, pulling out the throttle knob, and steering them with your feet as you floated along above the seat making a small bow wave with your chest at maybe 1 to 2mph. Great fun, and when you came out there were crabs, small fish, and seaweed in the truck bed.

  2. “Warming ‘increasingly disruptive’ across US – report”

    “A key element driving this conclusion is the observed evidence on extreme weather events such as heavy downpours of rain.

    Between 1958 and 2012, the amount of precipitation falling in very heavy events increased by 71% in New England and the north east, while in the drier West it went up by just 5%. ”

    “Our leading scientists send a stark message: Climate change is already seriously disrupting our lives, hurting our health and damaging our economy,” said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

    “If we don’t slam the brakes on the carbon pollution driving climate change, we’re dooming ourselves and our children to more intense heat waves, destructive floods and storms, and surging sea levels.”


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