Climate Denier Goes Ballistic at “Climate Covenant” Event

John Boehner isn’t the only one to crack under the pressure.

Video description:

It took a lot of courage to do this, please help get this message out there. More of us need to start doing this.

What I’m gleaning, this is video from a “Catholic Climate Covenant’ meeting, I guess in Southern Cal?
Fireworks erupt at 11:50 in.  Climate denier “wants his church back”. “Heresy” etc.

Crowd listens for a while. Man grows dark  and threatening.

Crowd starts praying out loud, in unison.

Man lead away. Uniformed people involved.

10 thoughts on “Climate Denier Goes Ballistic at “Climate Covenant” Event”

  1. WOW! Boner may have shed some tears, but this guy is a real looney-tune. Hope he doesn’t have access to guns, or we may be seeing him on the nightly news. (At least he wasn’t wearing a shirt with a confederate battle flag on it).

  2. From what I could see of the buildings shown in the introduction to this video, I conclude the facilities are those the Catholic Church of Orange county, California bought from the local parish founded and lead for so many years by Rev Robert Schuler. Schuler lead the building of that facility, then called the Crystal Cathedral. At the end of his life, his world wide Sunday morning sessions went into bankruptcy due to the economic collapse of 2008-09. Schuler’s mother church is in Holland,

    In a From what I was able to see of the gleasage dated 9/25/2015 10:49:49 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

  3. We all struggle with ‘moral certitude’, and inwardly rail at ourselves for not having ‘the courage of our convictions’. Kant once observed that it was FORTUNATE that so few act according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage. Looking at this guy acting on his ‘principles’, I’m kinda grateful for my fence-sitting.

  4. The lords prayer, the very first thing I remember learning as a child . . simple but effective riposte, against a raving maniac. Makes me proud to be brought up as a Christian . . . . . Well handled guys

    And for whatever comfort I can get from opinion polls, my trust of human nature somewhat restored today, but still extremely nervous/alarmed by the trumpites . . . .

  5. The opening got me, that “Tower of Babble,” the place where you could believe Lucifer lives, with it’s Courtyard of Evil is the former Crystal Cathedral, built by Crystal Cathedral Ministries which belonged to the mainline Reformed Church in America.

    CC Ministries was originally Shepherds Grove and still produces the Hour of Power. Un(?)fortunately CC Ministries went bust in Orange County and had to sell up. The only people with the cash to buy and run it were the Catholics.

    Ironically one of the reasons why CC Ministries went bust were, what they thought were surprising, running costs which included a massive air conditioning bill due to the building being a giant greenhouse, built in Orange County Ca.

    1. ironic that the church was originally one of the first temples of the conservative “mega church” Christianity.

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