Renewables and the Bottom Line


EDF’s video shows how clean energy is thriving and seeks to arm policymakers, entrepreneurs and clean energy advocates with compelling facts to back that statement up. The video features interviews with Helen Brauner, senior vice president of marketing and strategic planning for Green Mountain Energy; Congressman Lloyd Doggett, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 25th Congressional District; and Stephen Frank, electrical Engineer for Xtreme Power.

Like innovations in medicine and telecom, energy innovation shouldn’t be a political issue. But clean energy has suffered from some expensive negative attacks recently. Not surprisingly, these attacks have mainly come from those who stand to profit from today’s fossil fuel industry—which receives about 75 times more subsidies than clean energy sources.

“Despite the fact that clean energy has become the ‘modern-day whipping boy,’ it is indeed alive and thriving. The clean energy sector now creates more jobs than the fossil fuel industry and, just last year, grew nearly twice as fast as the overall economy,” said Jim Marston, vice president of EDF’s energy program.

7 thoughts on “Renewables and the Bottom Line”

    1. Well, it sort of presented some of the players in the denialist movement, but it didn’t really make it clear that they rely on an absence of scientific logic and reason in their propaganda. It didn’t really make it clear, at the beginning of the video, to those who don’t follow the subject, that Heartland is a conservative think tank, who in the past was funded by key corporations.

      They should have let Singer deny smoking and cancer, second hand smoke and cancer, the ozone, etc. in his own words (and they should have gotten Lindzen to do the same). That would have made the video.

      There was no mention of the falsities in the little ‘scientific’ review paper that accompanies the Oregon Petition. For example, that particular review shows multiple graphs where solar irradience is increasing over the last 50 years, but (of course) their reference to the TSI is not satellite data (i.e. reality), but Willie Soon’s model which tries to calculate TSI based on several solar phenomenon that do not correlate well with TSI (Soon’s model fails to reflect what the satellites are actually observing, still they pass it off as real solar phenomenon onto gullible doctors and veterinarians).

      No Naomi Oreskes?

      No Monkton debunks?

    2. It’s a good documentary. One thing I wonder about this supposedly free market people is why don’t they realize that the oil industry doesn’t really operate under the free market principles? It’s heavily subsidized by the government and doesn’t always play by the same rules as other businesses in the free market. If they had to pay for the external costs they are putting on everyone else other forms of energy would be much more economically attractive. The key problem is that the fossil fuel industry has had a free pass for so long and have so much money it’s political suicide to oppose them. Then can easily find a bunch of witless shills in the Tea Party and elsewhere to provide the political pressure to get their way.

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