The Right Wing Noise Machine: There is no Climate Change. Anti Christ Here. End of the World Soon. Details at 11.

At what point will the few remaining Republicans who can read and write stand up and say, “Enough – this is utter nonsense, and I won’t be part of it any more.”

Since I consider the degradation of news and information to be one of the Greatest Threats to the Planet, this is obviously going to be a continuing series.  Does anyone have a good idea for an acronym or shorthand for the Right Wing Noise Machine? (RWNM is hard to pronounce)

10 thoughts on “The Right Wing Noise Machine: There is no Climate Change. Anti Christ Here. End of the World Soon. Details at 11.”

  1. “Decibels for Imbeciles”?

    God must dislike collective bargaining even more than climate scientists. Fresh off an internet forum…..

    I see multiple states on the brink of bankruptcy wanting the Federal Government to bail them out because of the Unions. I see a president determined to destroy our country and our economy. The Bible predicted the rise of the “son of perdition” — a man who will be so politically adept that he will unite the entire world under one global government. This is the anti-Christ. He will be assisted by the man whom the Bible refers to as “the false prophet.” At that point, time will end and eternity will begin. The entire physical universe will melt. The Bible says that this event will be accompanied by a loud noise.

  2. It’s mind-boggling. One of the most advanced countries on the planet in the 21st century is still talking about hobgoblins as though they are real.

    What next? Is Beck going to provide instructions on recognising witches and how to deal with them?! Something to do with wood and a duck….

    Stay safe sane Americans friends – not that any of us are safe from the anti-science agenda of the GOP.

    1. There’s clearly a mass of scientifically literate republicans out there. Why the hell are they not getting together and making some noise? Surely they must realise it’s long-term political suicide to follow this path…?

      1. > There’s clearly a mass of scientifically literate republicans out there.

        From over here in the UK, there’s very little sign of them. I follow US politics (mainly as a result of climate change) pretty closely – and the crazy dominate. It seems as though that the anti-science contingent of the GOP are so numerous and powerful, the scientifically literate – if there are any left! – are too scared to speak out.

        For those who didn’t see it first time around, here’s Maddow looking at the right wing echo chamber: – if it appears on Fox ‘News’, or comes out of Limbaugh’s mouth, it’s fact. How do you combat that?! [<- rhetorical question]

  3. How about just using NM (Noise Machine.. also make me think of Nevermind, but think the chat shorthand for that is nmd)? (or, WN: Wrong Noise/Wing Noise)

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