We are the 97 percent. Climate Crocks goes to AGU

Well, this should be interesting.

I’ll be at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco this week – one of the biggest, if not the biggest, scientific gatherings of the year.  These will be all the people who actually know the most about climate change, and are best positioned to judge how serious how serious things really are.  As survey’s have shown, 97 percent of working, publishing climate scientists agree that it’s happening, and we’re doing it.

I’ve loaded a number of new blog posts in the wordpress hopper, cranked out the new video you see on this page, and cleared the decks so I can meet and talk to as many experts as I can during the week. If all goes well, I’ll be able to share what I learn.

With any luck, I’ll be able to blog and tweet any significant news, maybe grab some video bites, and, of course gather with my co-conspirators in the New World Order.

17 thoughts on “We are the 97 percent. Climate Crocks goes to AGU”

  1. There we go again. If all those people are the experts who know how to judge the situation then the value of this blog is nil apart from when the experts are quoted verbatim.

    PS care to remind who’ll pay for your quality time with the scientific club that’s got an English Major as board member?

    1. It would seem to me that the value of this blog and the associated video series lies in its ability to bridge the gap between research and the communication of that research with it’s implications.

      Not to mention addressing the overarching problem of all the FUD and disinformation that gets churned out by the denialist movement.

      But who am I kidding? I’m clearly on the payroll too, living large off the fat checks those ultra-wealthy scientists pay me to support their clearly evil, yet nebulous and hard to define, ever shifting goals!! Crafty bastards the lot of them. 😛

  2. I’m sure it will be time well spent. Put in a good word for us with the New World Order higher ups.

    1. climate deniers prefer, well, lets call it, the George Bush method of inquiry.
      If it feels good in my tummy, I cling to it for dear life.
      sorry – when I want a diagnoses, I go to the doctor who is an expert – it’s not an “appeal to authority” – it’s common sense.

    2. I have to say Maurizio, your assertion sounds more like philosophy than fact and as such, I don’t find it convincing.

      I’d ask you to back it up or explain it, but you’d probably have to reference an authority of some sort in which case you would have, apparently, defeated yourself.

  3. And continuing your analogy…people go to the doctor, they don’t go to read the doctor’s thoughts as interpreted by a self-proclaimed non-doctor who feels like bridging the gap between the doctor and the general public.

    1. I think you describe yourself. I just said I am going directly to the doctors.
      You have another idea, apparently

    2. If you’re really hung up on the doctor thing…a doctor may refer a patient to and/or work with a dietitian regarding a patients health and their diet.

      A dietitian (not a doctor by the way), will have to interpret the information from the doctor, combine it with their own knowledge and advise the patient.

      Seems to me that there’s a gap being bridged in that scenario between the doctor and members of the general public.

  4. Maurizio,

    “If I though Peter were phony or worse, I wouldn’t be posting here.”

    Fair enough. I overreacted to your “care to remind who’ll pay for your quality time with the scientific club that’s got an English Major as board member?” remark.

    Which Followed this sentence – “There we go again. If all those people are the experts who know how to judge the situation then the value of this blog is nil apart from when the experts are quoted verbatim.”

    Like your blog, this is climate science journalism, not a tape recorder.



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